Tuesday, February 4, 2014

rps revised feb 4 2014


  1. The three symbols at the bottom seem unnecessary and draw attention away from the far more important graphic in the upper right hand corner. In addition, the graphic in the upper right hand corner should be larger and possibly center aligned.

  2. the only suggestion i have would be to center the title at the top. (comment on Olivia Gutierrez)

    you could possibly underline or bold the words "rock, paper and scissors" (comment on Evan LeClair)

    try to add a little more design. you'r picture draws my attention but your words don't. (comment on Matt Fishman)

  3. Like Professor said, the one section is too long to be that dark. There is also way to much spacing under the dark text. (ik word is lame). Decent use of color and underlining.

  4. It has great content, but the content is placed awkwardly, try new design layouts to see what works best.
